Wednesday, 27 June 2012

How to practice yoga

Fold the bed sheet into four fold, and place it on the ground, where two walls meet, let the bed sheet be well fold without folds, and sit near witness support, but the fingers be weaved, and hands must be on the ground. The space between the elbows, must not be more than the space of the shoulders, the cup like forehands, must come behind the head, and head must be placed on the bed sheet.  We must bare in mind that either the front or the back of the head must not be placed with pressure on the ground.

The space between the head and the wall must not be more than 3 mtrs. If the space is more than the back bone will be awkward and the stomach comes forward.  Then the bodies weight to be worn by arms, hence the brains position will spoil, the face turns to red, the work of the eyes increase and they may bulge.

Then the knee to be lifted from the floor, the body to be lifted by leg, and head, and keep the body straight, makarasana.  Then expanding the body, folding the two legs in knees, and try to lift up the legs in between the knees, gradually to be lifted up and the thighs to be on the floor in equal position as you stand.  Then the waist will be straight as in leg will be in front, the position of the leg to be harp.  Then this asana becomes full with normal respiration the eyes to be moved like wheels, left to right, and right to left.  Breathing to be only through nose.  Then slowly touch the floor.  Suddenly you must not get up.  Then you must be in bhadrasana for some time and than you must get up.

Good Results : By sheersana the purified blood enters the brain, and so the intelligence increases.  Remembrance improve to those who have lost this.  Pure blood supplied to the organs below the brain and also to other portions.

Sleeplessness and weakness will be vanished, by regular practice.  The lungs manage well, in any atmosphere cold, cough, bad breath, heart beating, diseases will be cured.  Keeps the body hot.  Urine trouble cured.  Instenstine, and heart deceases vanish/cured.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

About yoga - as per veda

As per Veda, Upanishat Jeevatma is a portion of Paramatma. Paramatma isa a great inspirer.  Jeevatma is only a mark.  Paramatmas completeness must be present in jeevatmas also.  But due to the Maya of nature, there is ignorance in us.  Because of the ignorance that he is incompleted and anishes, and stands in his own capacity, and that process is called as yoga.  In this way the process of jeevatma, remaining in Paramathma is the object of yoga.  This stay is known as Moksha.  This is Atmananda prapti. This Rigveda calls as pranamam ananadam brahma.  Yajurveda as "Aham Brahmasmi", Samaveda "Tatwamasi" Atarvana veda Ayam atma brahma.  Even though yoga means the Ikya - samadhi, Jeevatma leaving its dirtiness, entering in Paramatma, this process is called yoga.

As per the meaning of Rigveda, Paramatma is Gnananswaroopa to tell that he is man power is maya.  Due to the influence of nature, maya is covered to Paramatma.  This maya is the ignorance.  If ajanana is vanished then the sakshatkara of paramatma will take place in due course.  This is called as moksha.

Moksha is the freedom from rebirth.  From irth to death sorrow.  That sorrow is samsara.  To secure freedom from samsara is mukti.  Jeevatma must know who is he? When he comes to know about himself he will recognize his true form.  Then he will not have the influence of karma, khrodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya.  Then he will be himself is atmananda, brahmananda.  To him every thing looks like brahmam maya.  The dream of jagmthi (choakenness), crossing shusupti he will be in turiyavaste.  This stage is called poornatma nirmana.  Paramatma is influenced to satwa, raja, tamoguna, stoola, sookshma karana bodies, annnamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vignana maya, ananda maya pancha kosha, body indriya, mind, ahankara.

To serve him wisdom, worldly, far from worldly enjoyment, shama dama disposition.  Mumukshatwa to be practiced. In vedanta tathwa it is said that we must practice about shravana (hearing) manana, nidhidyasana.  In mitya we must see satya.  We must see brahma in every thing and becomes brahma himself.  It is called as kaivalya.  He omkara swaroopa - sat, chitananda swaroopa brahma.  The combination of jeeva and brahma is yoga.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Perfect bliss - yoga

Self acceptance
is the beginning
of true meditation.

When you fully allow
everything to be
exactly as it is
then you transcend
that level of experience.

You allow the body to
be as it is
and your awareness
expands beyond the body.

You allow the emotions
to be as they are
and your awareness
expands beyond emotion.

You allow thoughts to
be as they are,
and your awareness
expands beyond the thinking.

If there is any urge
to change something,
improve something,
then there is conflict
and you remain stuck
in that which you wish
to change.

Many see happiness
as some future goal:
'If I can heal my emotions,
if I can stop reacting in this way,
if I can be free of these memories,
if I can stop my thoughts
then I will be happy.'

And so there are all
of these different modes
of healings and therapies
and belief systems
giving you the illusion that
if you just work on yourself
hard enough and long enough
then you can be a perfect person.

And nothing could be farther
from the truth.

I am not knocking
self improvement,
it has its purpose,
but it also gives you the illusion
that some time in the future
you will be good enough.

Which means you are not
good enough now.

The underlying
condition of self improvement
is that how you are in this moment
is wrong.

You are a glitch in the system
and you need to be fixed.

Yet from your natural state
of pure awareness
everything is perfect
as it is.

Not as a judgment
but that which is self evident.

So when you enter meditation,
accept yourself as you are.

This is not
'I love myself as I am'
or any other psychological therapy.

It is to accept everything as it is
all the way to the core.

You let it all be exactly as it is
without any involvement.

You let go of trying
to do it,
trying to control it
and allow that
which cannot be known
to take over.

Because then you relax into
the essence of that experience.

And the essence
of all experience
is consciousness.

One all encompassing
Perfect consciousness
that lights up the whole show.

That is
the whole show.

And the nature
of consciousness
is bliss.

Perfect bliss.

Sources :

Yoga Education

Yoga Education is as essential to all as air, water and light.  Yogasana, Pranayama, Dhyana are not the properties of a particular community. It is a sacred habit of all the four types of human beings.  Even women and shoodras are eligible to practice this yoga, of late the women are having ugly appearance since they are not having proper physical exercise of the body. And also they are suffering from several diseases. It has become common.  We can cure several diseases by yogasanas.  The main object of yoga is to have Daiva Sakshatkara, attaining Moksha, and Brahmaprapati in addition to maintain physical health.

In Raja yoga, there are astanga yogas, like Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharan, Dhyana, Samadhi, yoga to be practiced everyday with highest zeal and devotion, regularly every day.  By this, there is no doubt to achieve Brahma Sakshatkara (can see god).

There are several steps to achieve Brahma Sakshatkara like Gynana yoga, Bhaktiyoga, Raja yoga and Karma yoga.  By climbing each step of astanga yoga, Brahma Sakshatkara can be achieved.  In Brahma Sakshatkara though there are differences like astika, nastika, adwita, dwaita, vishita dwita, in Rightveda there are 10 mandalas, 85 anuvaka, 1028 sukta, 10552 mantras, it has been explained (zist) in a sentence as "Pragnanam Anandamaya Brahma," in philosophical language.

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