Saturday, 16 June 2012

About yoga - as per veda

As per Veda, Upanishat Jeevatma is a portion of Paramatma. Paramatma isa a great inspirer.  Jeevatma is only a mark.  Paramatmas completeness must be present in jeevatmas also.  But due to the Maya of nature, there is ignorance in us.  Because of the ignorance that he is incompleted and anishes, and stands in his own capacity, and that process is called as yoga.  In this way the process of jeevatma, remaining in Paramathma is the object of yoga.  This stay is known as Moksha.  This is Atmananda prapti. This Rigveda calls as pranamam ananadam brahma.  Yajurveda as "Aham Brahmasmi", Samaveda "Tatwamasi" Atarvana veda Ayam atma brahma.  Even though yoga means the Ikya - samadhi, Jeevatma leaving its dirtiness, entering in Paramatma, this process is called yoga.

As per the meaning of Rigveda, Paramatma is Gnananswaroopa to tell that he is man power is maya.  Due to the influence of nature, maya is covered to Paramatma.  This maya is the ignorance.  If ajanana is vanished then the sakshatkara of paramatma will take place in due course.  This is called as moksha.

Moksha is the freedom from rebirth.  From irth to death sorrow.  That sorrow is samsara.  To secure freedom from samsara is mukti.  Jeevatma must know who is he? When he comes to know about himself he will recognize his true form.  Then he will not have the influence of karma, khrodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya.  Then he will be himself is atmananda, brahmananda.  To him every thing looks like brahmam maya.  The dream of jagmthi (choakenness), crossing shusupti he will be in turiyavaste.  This stage is called poornatma nirmana.  Paramatma is influenced to satwa, raja, tamoguna, stoola, sookshma karana bodies, annnamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vignana maya, ananda maya pancha kosha, body indriya, mind, ahankara.

To serve him wisdom, worldly, far from worldly enjoyment, shama dama disposition.  Mumukshatwa to be practiced. In vedanta tathwa it is said that we must practice about shravana (hearing) manana, nidhidyasana.  In mitya we must see satya.  We must see brahma in every thing and becomes brahma himself.  It is called as kaivalya.  He omkara swaroopa - sat, chitananda swaroopa brahma.  The combination of jeeva and brahma is yoga.

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