Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Is yoga is necessary for college students?

Is yoga is necessary for college students? 

Yoga should be part of ones daily routine to enjoy its fruits to the fullest. It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga asanas, being a rigid one may experience remarkable flexibility in the end on those parts of the body which may not been consciously worked upon. Yoga has postures that trigger   different joints of the body. Healthy Body:

Yoga postures strengthen and tone every part of the body, including the internal organs. These can be promoted by a yoga asanas of mindful movements. Through yoga you can also massages all organs of the body. Yoga can through relaxation techniques relieve one of stress. Yoga ensures the increased flow of blood to various parts of the body. Regular practitioners of yogic asanas experience greater stamina, power, strength & endurance.

Glowing Skin:

Yoga assists in complete detoxification of the body. Relaxation:
Stress is said to be the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional system. Yoga is the perhaps only exercise that can work wonders on your internal organs in a thorough manner, including those that hardly ever get externally stimulated during our lifetime. Yoga exercise, such as gentle stretching, breathing techniques, meditation and guided relaxation, releases body tension and has calming effect on the nervous system and emotions. Benefits of yoga can be reaped by practitioners of all age groups; more specifically Yoga can also help college goers:


Attention ,concentration and focus are key to success in academics. With all these multi-faceted benefits that Yoga brings in one’s life, it is definitely beneficial to be practiced by college students Yoga is found to increase the lubrication of joints, tendons and ligaments. A healthy body can resist and fight diseases, this is essential to endure day to day challenges of life. It helps in flushing out toxins from every nook and cranny of your body as well as provides nourishment up to the minute cell level. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life


Yoga postures can gently stretch the muscles in the body. This, in combination with yoga’s relaxation techniques, allows daily renewal and nourishment of the body-mind-spirit. Yoga is useful in exercising the glands, organs and endocrine system, massaging, toning and increasing circulation to stimulate, heal, and eliminate toxins from the body. Including those joints that are not worked upon with regular exercise routines.

Nourishment and Healing:

Gentle, slow movements with deep breathing energize the body rather than tire it.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

How yoga helps to reduce anxiety

How yoga helps to reduce anxiety

Everyone suffers from mild anxiety from time to time, but chronic anxiety takes a tremendous toll on the body, draining energy resources and keeping the body in a constant state of stress. The effects of anxiety are magnified when the body is not exercised: tension in the muscles builds, breathing remains constricted most of the time, and the mind has no rest from the whirling thoughts and feelings that feed the anxiety.

Yoga helps you to access an inner strength that allows you to face the sometimes-overwhelming fears, frustrations, and challenges of everyday life. The American Yoga Association program to reduce stress in the body, breath, and mind does so by building coping skills with a small daily routine of exercise, breathing, and meditation. A few Yoga exercises practiced daily (especially if they are done just prior to meditation) help to regulate the breath and relax the body by gently releasing tension from the large muscle groups, flushing all parts of the body and brain with fresh blood, oxygen, and other nutrients, and increasing feelings of well-being. "Whole body" exercises such as the Sun Poses are particularly helpful because they encourage you to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Many exercises can be adapted so you can do them even in an office chair. Our Basic Yoga video provides a complete introduction to these exercises and contains a 30-minute exercise routine with breathing, relaxation and meditation.

The Complete Breath technique is a must for anyone who often feels "stressed out." Once learned, the Complete Breath can be used anywhere, anytime, to reduce the severity of a panic attack, to calm the mind, or to cope with a difficult situation. Learning to concentrate simply on the sound of the breath as you inhale and exhale evenly and smoothly will help you gently but effectively switch your attention from feelings of anxiety to feelings of relaxation. The Complete Breath is featured in our Basic Yoga video and all instructional books from the American Yoga Association.

Daily practice of complete relaxation and meditation is also essential - even a few minutes of meditation during your work day can make a difference. This daily training in focusing the mind on stillness will teach you how to consciously quiet your mind whenever you feel overwhelmed. Meditation puts you in touch with your inner resources; this means less dependence on medications, greater self-awareness, and a fuller, happier life.

Sources :

Yoga and beauty skin

Yoga For Beauty And Healthy Skin

Yoga for beauty can help you to look young and beautiful well into old age. Face is the index of mind, good texture of skin and health of your hairs are an indication of your physical and mental health.

I have come across many people who have a glow on their face with years of regular yoga practice. But this is not possible in a few days by doing some selective asanas. You need to be disciplined in your diet, regular yoga practice, follow yama and niyama yoga ethics and keep balance between your outward personality and your true self. You have to avoid excesses of all kinds. A person with disciplined life and regular yoga practice will look beautiful form outside as well outside and treats you with a refreshing smile always.

Yoga Beauty Fitness. How Yoga Helps?

Yoga helps you to attain your ideal body weight and gives you a proportionate body by removing excess weight from all body organs. It helps to improve flexibility and maintain correct posture for young looks. Detoxifying your body is most essential for beauty. Yoga improves blood circulation and helps to remove toxins from the body. Detoxification of alimentary canal through yogic kriyas helps optimum absorption of nutrients in your food. Yoga practice helps to provide nutrition at the cellular level. All the internal organs and particularly the endocrine glands get activated and their functioning is optimised.

Yoga practice helps to reduce the stress levels considerably and provides complete relaxation. Yoga asanas and pranayama makes you free from disease by strengthening the immune system. Healthy body means healthy skin.

Yoga practice can specially benefit women to retain their natural beauty while coping up with menstrual problems, child birth, work and home stress etc. Most of the film personalities around the world practice yoga for years to retain their beauty and youthfulness. Yoga helps women to stay slim and active. So, ideally start your day with yoga practice.

What are the main obstacles in the path of beautiful skin?

Insufficient nutrition due to unhealthy eating habits.

Eating foods which are poor in nutrition like white flour, sugar, tea, coffee and soft drinks.

Sedentary lifestyle which leads to proper blood circulation and accumulation of toxins in our blood.

Proper blood circulation which is most essential for healthy skin.
As a result of improper cleansing, dirt and dust particles gets accumulated in our skin and clog sweat glands.

Poor digestion or frequent constipation.

Over-exposure to sun.

Yoga For Beauty

Yoga asanas, pranayama and kriyas help to improve blood circulation, detoxify your body and restore proper functioning of your body as well as endocrine glands.

Yoga For Beauty: Poses

Asanas (yoga postures) help stimulate blood circulation through the entire body, some of them are specially designed to reduce tension and prevent you from stress.

Yoga mudra

Yoga For Beauty: Pranayama

Pranayam practice provides us oxygen which is transported to our cells across the body through our blood. Practice pranayama at least for 30 minutes early in the morning in an open area or a green lawn.

Rhythmic deep breathing
Alom Vilom
Stress Reduction For Beauty

Deep breathing in shavasana after the yoga practice provides complete relaxation. Try yoga nidra after your yoga practice or before sleeping.

Meditation For Beauty

Practice meditation for 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the time. If you know no other mediatation, practice om recitation by closing your eyes and concentrating on area between your eyebrows. Meditation will cool your nerves, improve your concentration and confidence.

Yoga For Beauty And Diet

Eat a healthy and nutritious diet. Eat sattvik food as per yoga diet philosophy. Include plenty of fresh dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, sprouts,nuts, whole grain cereals etc to your food. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables in raw form or enjoy fresh vegetable/fruit juices. Vegetable juices are a low calorie storehouse of nutrients. Eat a balanced diet and include handful of nuts. Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and aerated drinks. Try to eat freshly cooked food as far as possible. Stop intake of processed and junk food. Here are some more tips on diet for beauty.

Yogic Tips For Glowing Skin

Make water as your favourite drink. Drink plenty of water as it hydrates the skin and helps to remove toxins. It also helps to promote smooth bowel movements.
Be cheerful at all times. There is nothing better than laughter yoga in this regard.
Practice detachment and avoid excesses of food, drinks or emotions. Eat for nutrition and not for taste buds.

Follow an active and healthy lifestyle.

Clean and exfoliate your skin regularly. Use an effective moisturiser.

Get your body massaged periodically. Oil massage improves blood circulation and improves the health of the skin.

Avoid over exposure to sun. Do remember to apply your sun screen lotion.

An eight-hours sound sleep will help your body to replenish, regenerate and rejuvenate itself. Take rest at the end of the day. Do not skip sound sleep, as a restless mind often affects the overall health.

Can Yoga Make You Beatiful?

Effectiveness of yoga for beauty also depends on frequent and regular practice. Devoting about half an hour daily to yoga, can help you improve your natural beauty.

Learning all the yoga asanas or poses from a qualified teacher will be safe and beneficial.

I have seen poor girls in Indian villages who are too beautiful. They do not have access to good nutrition, any gym or a yoga class. They are happy people who earn and work and with loving families and use mustard oil or coconut oil from cooking to massage and as a hair oil. Beauty is gift of god. However, you can try yoga for beauty to improve or preserve what god has given you.

Sources :

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