The Pranayama,yoga for asthma, practice consists of a four
part breathing cycle which focuses on:
• inhalation – intake of air
• internal retention – controlling retention of air within
the lungs
• exhalation – expulsion of used air from the lungs
• external retention – controlling retention of empty lungs
The benefits of Pranayama are as follows:
• increases the flow of oxygen to all parts of the body
• increases lung capacity
• improves control and strength of the diaphragm and abdomen
• increases relaxation by releasing tension
• increase breath efficiency
Pranayama, or yoga breathing, has helped with
many medical conditions as certified in clinical studies. This yoga for asthma
has been proven a beneficial to every individual when we learn to breathe
properly. Breathing is the most important aspect in life, and is the most vital
process of the body because it is linked into our everyday experience. It is
important for us human beings to breathe properly in order for us to have
balanced oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood.