Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Restriction of food to Yoga Sadhana

1. The effect of food is not only on the body, bu also on mind.  If the food is pure, the feelings is also good (follow feeling).  If the fellow feeling is pure, the thinking power, is definite, after the purification of thinking power, the hatredness is avoided. 

2. Pure food to be consumed to stop starvation and desire to eat and sluggish food like mutton, mind spoiling drinks, etc., must be stopped taking

3. Our food must be clean so that it will not spoil our stomach. Must have strength.  It must not give room for any bad or destruction so good food to consume. 

4. Eat to live and don't live to eat.

5. Because the food is tasty, don't eat without limit, don't allow the body to suffer with various diseases. 

6. We must eat only such food by which there will be good effect on our mind and strength all over the body.

7. We must eat satvick and good food for strength.  Spoiled, old food and eatables in which salt, sour, pungent portions are more should not be consumed.

8. We must avoid eating rajasa, tamasa foods and consume milk, ghee, curds, good fruits, dry fruits and fresh vegetables. 

9. We must eat only when we are hungry. Daily two times, limited food.  We have to eat before two hours before sleep.  No meals at night times. 

10. We must not ill-treat rice, while we take our meals, consume food only twice a day that too with limit. We must respect the food.  Before having the meals, we must put water (lightly) all around the leaf with mantras or pray to purify the food and  to keep a little food to satisfy the deities to eat with clear mind and to take a little water in the shape of aposhana. We should chew the food well to digest it properly. Even while drinking milk there should be gradual process. 

11. We must not eat or drink too hot food.  We must not eat when we are not hungry.  We must take the food for he second time only after the first time food is digested.  We must take food where the mind is calm.  We must not take food slowly.  While taking food we must reduce unnecessary talks, we must not laugh, we must concentrate our mind on the food which we consume.  The calmly consume the food with satisfaction. 

12. We must drink water before and after the meals.  In the morning after washing our face and before going to bed we must drink two cups water in the interest of preserving our health.  More we drink water our health will be in good condition.

13. When taking food the mind must not be puzzled.  We must not take our food when we are in an angry mood, in fear, in sorrow or in disappointment. 

14. During night we have to take limited food.  We must eat half quantity only and the other half portion to be empty to accommodate place for water and air.

15. We must consume the foods having vitamins, due insufficient vitamins our body becomes weak, health being spoiled.  Since all vitamins are present in milk and fruits we must consume them well and daily.  The urine trouble will be cured by eating products having strings. 

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